Morphology and biology of immatures stages of genus Lixus, and using of larval characters for reconstructing phylogeny



This temporary web site was set up to optimize workflow and to produce (by spring/summer 2017/2018) a single MS "Analysis revealed value of morphological characters of immature stages and theirs biology in genus Lixus" co-authored by Jiri Skuhrovec (JS), Rafal Gosik (RG), Filip Trnka (FT), Robert Stejskal (RS), Semyon Volovnik (SV), Levent Gultekin (LG) & Jura Arzanov (JA).



  1. (re)description of larva and pupa of at least of two or three species in each subgenera of genus Lixus, as defined in AZ&L 1999 (with subsequent modifications).
  2. illustrate morphological diversity of immature stages in the genus Lixus.
  3. all known described species will be included in the new key.
  4. biological details of all species will be described, and species will be divided into groups according to habitat, host plant or life cycle.
  5. all these data will be analysed, and their value within genus Lixus will be evaluated.


Material: larval and pupal morphology is housed in JS or RG collection. Immature stages and biology only analysed under the parsimony criterion.


Work share: JS & RG do all morphological work; FT, RS, SV, LG & JA do all around biology. More specifically:


First practical step: it was done in last two years. Bio-Group collected huge material of immature stages (see attachment), and now it have to be processed. In winter 2016-17 we do all morphological descriptions, and describe biology of all species which be included in the analysis.



Timing (and ways how to elongate this work): 


Winter 2016-17: Morpho-Group does descriptions and drawings for all species from our material; and drafts list of morphological characters and states. Bio-Group describes biology of all species according the previous papers (see Trnka et al. 2016, Skuhrovec and Volovnik 2015), and drafts list of biological characters and states.


Spring 2016-17: both groups evaluated if we have enough material for detail analysis based on morphology of immature stages and biology. If yes, we will do all parsiomony analysis, if no we will discuss next steps; 1, Published many new descriptions with biology, and with detail key, but without detail analysis; and wait to 1-2 more seasons for next specific material. Then we can do analysis. OR 2, We will wait for material, and want to publish it together. This will be resolved after we have all descriptions, and we will see it.


Summer 2016-17: collect some new material.


Winter 2017-18: we will see ;) 


Updated: October 18, 2016

Dr. Jiri Skuhrovec
Function of Invertebrate and Plant Biodiversity in Agrosystems
Crop Research Institute
Drnovska 507
161 06 Praha 6 - Ruzyne