Host plants of Tephritis conura (Loew, 1844)

Plant tribe Plant genus Plant species Part of plant Region Literature Source
Carduoideae Cirsium acaule Flowerhead Switzerland Merz (1994) Breeding - Switzerland
    erisithales Flowerhead Switzerland Merz (1994) Breeding - Switzerland
    heterophyllum Flowerhead Switzerland Merz (1994) Breeding - Switzerland
    oleraceum Flowerhead Switzerland Merz (1994) Breeding - Switzerland
    palustre Flowerhead England Merz (1994) Citation for foreign breed
    spinosissimum Flowerhead Switzerland Merz (1994) Breeding - Switzerland

Dr. Jiri Skuhrovec
Function of Invertebrate and Plant Biodiversity in Agrosystems
Crop Research Institute
Drnovska 507
161 06 Praha 6 - Ruzyne