Host plants of Urophora (s.str.) stylata (Fabricius, 1775)

Plant tribe Plant genus Plant species Part of plant Region Literature Source
Carduoideae Carduus nutans Flowerhead (gall) France Merz (1994) Citation for foreign breed - ?
  Cirsium arvense Flowerhead (gall) Austria Merz (1994) Breeding - not Switzerland
    eriophorum Flowerhead (gall) France Merz (1994) Citation for foreign breed
    palustre Flowerhead (gall)   Merz (1994) Citation for foreign breed
    vulgare Flowerhead (gall) Switzerland Merz (1994) Breeding - Switzerland

Dr. Jiri Skuhrovec
Function of Invertebrate and Plant Biodiversity in Agrosystems
Crop Research Institute
Drnovska 507
161 06 Praha 6 - Ruzyne